CodeLobster IDE

using portable Webserver: USBWEBSERVER
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Author:  Admin [ Fri May 14, 2010 12:34 pm ]
Post subject:  using portable Webserver: USBWEBSERVER


We have decided to post useful info about using portable Webservers from one of our customer:

"I am using portable Webserver: USBWEBSERVER.

I discovered: each time the webserver is (re)started the PHP.INI file is overwritten with USBWebserver\PHP\Settings.ini.

Codelobster is not always adding the [CLDBG] entry into PHP.INI whenever a new PHP.INI is loaded - in that case the debugging will not work.

Maybe this is a problem with all portable web-servers - after all: they should adjust PHP.INI for proper (USB) Drive-letter:
One time: Z:\USBWebserver\php\php.ini next time G:\USBWebster\php\php.ini

My solution: I have the [CLDBG] etc. entry added into the \PHP\Settings.ini so it is always loaded into PHP.INI"

Please, look at the attached screenshots.

Codelobster Team.

phpINFO_with_CodelobsterDebug.png [ 29.51 KiB | Viewed 277636 times ]
phpini_with_CodelobsterDebug.png [ 1.67 KiB | Viewed 277636 times ]

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